
What is a Small Talk?

Small Talk during English Lessons

As an ALT in Japan, have you ever wondered about the phrase “Small Talk?” It is one of the parts of a common English Lesson Plan in Japan. Let me give me a short overview about what is a Small Talk.

“Small Talk” is defined as a simple and short dialogue between an ALT and the HRTs/JTEs modelled during English classes for the students to mimicked.  

What is the purpose of the Small Talk?

About Small Talk

These are some of the purposes of why we need to incorporate the Small Talk into every English Lesson. Although, it is short, these are still essential in teaching the students on how to speak English in different situation.

  • It will serve as a warm -up to the students to prepare their minds into switching from Japanese to English.
  • Small Talk also help the students to be accustomed to the easy phrases and sentences.
  • It will give the students an idea on how to use the sentences and phrases in different situations.
  • It gives them a model on how to properly pronounce and enunciate the words in a way of imitating how the ALTs and HRTs/JTEs would sound like.
  • Finally, it serves as an overview to the students about what is going to be the lesson or topic of the day.

Below are some examples of a Small Talk modelled for Elementary School students and Junior High School students.

Small Talk for Elementary School Students

Small Talk for Junior High School Students

For the next blog, we will explore and expand more about the Small Talk Topic. Please subscribe to our blog page.

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