
Cooking “Daikon” in many ways (Pt.1)

One of the most common vegetables in Japan is called “Daikon.” This vegetable is dominating almost all the appetizing Japanese menu. It is a winter root vegetable with an earthy but refreshing flavor. It is tender but with a crunchy texture to it. It is a perfect side dish to any fish menu and it is my personal favorite.

The prices of Daikon tend to get cheaper especially during winter. So, most Japanese would create a lot of delicious menus out of Daikon.

Last year, my friend gave me a huge Daikon, fresh from her garden as a present. For this reason, I started reading and searching information about the different menus that you can make out of Daikon.  I would like to share them to you today.

  1. Grated Daikon with Nameko Mushroom

If you are into a healthy but refreshing quick recipe, Nameko Mushroom with Grated Daikon is a very recommended dish. I personally like Nameko Mushroom because of the peculiar texture that it gives to your tongue. The feeling of wanting to have it more. Mix it with soy sauce or Ponzo sauce and sprinkle it with any green vegetable such as Spring onions, Coriander of your choice. Then, it will be a perfect side dish for your Grilled Fish!

References :

2. Buri Daikon ( Simmered Yellowtail Fish with Japanese Winter Radish)

The Daikon is simmered along with the Yellowtail Fish when cooking this recipe. Both ingredients are mostly abundant during the cold seasons making it as a classic Japanese winter favorite. It is also cooked gently with soy sauce, saki and mirin broth. It doesn’t use Dashi. (A Japanese soup stock)

For most Japanese, the flavorful taste of Buri Daikon brings a classic Japanese homecooked feeling to them.

References :

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