“Tanabata” or Star Festival

Tanabata Festival is a traditional festival held in Japan. The festivities are celebrated every 7th of July or various days between July to August. The たなばた or 七夕, means “Evening of the seventh.”

Wish Upon A Star
The festival originated in China. It is called Qixi Festival. It is celebrating the undying love story of these two famous deities named Orihime and Hikoboshi.

The festival is based on a Japanese Folklore originated in China about two lovers who who were separated each side of the milky way. The God admired their love for each other and gave them a chance to meet once a year on every 7th of July. Hence, the start of the Tanabata Festival.
In the present day, Japanese celebrate this Festival by displaying a Bamboo Tree, then the people would write their wishes on a Piece of colorful papers and hang it on the tree. Star in Japanese is Star Festival (星祭り, Hoshi matsuri) or in other words to make a wish.
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