Japanese Lesson- Useful phrases in communicating with your Japanese Teacher!

Working as an Assistant Language Teacher having good communication with teacher’s is a must. Here we will give you a common scenario that may happen in your school.
After you introduce your ideas, give suggestions and help make your lesson even stronger and more fun for the Japanese students, the teacher may make some requests here are some phrase that will help you in that conversation.
ALT : レッスンプランをつくりました。チェックしてもらえますか?
Resson plan wo tsukurimashita, chekku shite moraemasuka?
( I made a lesson plan. Could you check it?)
HRT : ここをなおしてください。
Koko wo naoshitekudasai.
(Can you fix this part?)
HRT : ここをしゅうせいしてください。
Koko wo shūseishitekudasai
(Can you fix this part?)
ALT: はい、なおします。
Hai, naoshimasu.
(Sure, I will fix it.)
HRT : これでだいじょうぶです。
Korede dajyōbudesu.
(That’ll be fine, thank you)